lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011





The veto of China and Russia to the resolution of sanctions against Syria proposed by France, Britain, Germany and Portugal in the framework of the Security Council of the UN, shows the desire of their leaders not to allow NATO and its vassals to resume against this country the criminal imperialistic policy led against Libya, and this while both China and Russia are subject to double attempts of seduction and blackmail to destabilization by Israel, as we mentioned in our Press Release No. 3, threatened of strategic encirclement by Washington, its NATO vassals and the various systems of subjection of the nations of Eurasia.

Turkey, for its part, is undergoing a very positive strategic evolution, despite the error of allowing NATO to build a new base of aggression against Eurasia on Turkish territory.  Iran rightly denounced it as a betrayal, although it simply belongs to the logic of NATO membership.  Despite this, Turkey is progressively joining the family of the free nations, distancing itself from the Zionist persuasion.  A significant sign of this process, was the Israeli warning of Sept. 4 to Ankara, after the Turkish command had announced its decision of strengthening its naval presence in the Mediterranean. 

In doing so, Turkey's leaders respond to the country’s popular sentiment, strongly revived by the last year aggression against the 'Freedom Flotilla'.

The three major powers are pursuing programs of upgrading weapons and modernization of their armed forces; an arms race in which the United States and its vassals are left out of breath and far behind.  Less and less able to launch expensive conventional operations, the senile Uncle Sam and his Zionist offspring resort to the strategy of separatist destabilization, especially against China.  Quite recently, a few days after Muslim Xinkiang, Tibet experienced a new wave of disorders.

We call on the Turkish people and its leaders to remember that those who butchered the Ottoman Empire into pieces in order to tear Palestine away, were neither Iranian nor Chinese but the 'Western democracies', their Zionist protégés and their Arab Wahabite lackeys.

The CBDAE denounces any attempt of destabilizing, violating the territorial integrity of any of these three countries.  As far as their Islamic specificity is respected, Muslim citizens of China and Russia are Chinese and Russian citizens, just as much as the Kurds of Turkey are Turkish citizens, in the same respect for their ethnic and cultural entity.  Tibet and Taiwan are integral parts of the People’s Republic of China.

To those who would put forward the pretext of religion, the CBDAE recalls that Islam is the way of Diversity in Unity (Tawhid), not of separatist dispersion, especially when this is part of US–Zionist strategy.

China, Turkey and Russia are bound to strengthening ties of friendship and cooperation leading to a strategic alliance. This is the real basis of Eurasia as well as the sole security system capable of confronting the obviously increasingly hegemonic and aggressive conduct of NATO and its vassals, of which, we hope, Turkey will soon depart.



It is in this climate of 'agony of an empire' that we must place the current concentration of U.S. forces on the Pakistani border. It is part of the climate of hostility officially born from the Abbottabad operation and the equally official liquidation of Bin Laden (the CBDAE will soon deliver its thoughts and analysis of this event and its possible link with the destruction of the CH-47, August 6), in fact from the relation between the ‘strong’ and the ‘weak’, between the racketeer and the victim, as such were indeed the relations imposed by Washington to Islamabad, already to Ali Bhutto. Thanks to the fraternal support of old ally China, Pakistan can finally break the shackles of Washington and undertake to get rid of that gangrene constituted by the presence on its soil of thousands of CIA agents, dozens of thousands if you count the Taliban and other terrorist Wahabi, the miserable crowd of patsies, delinquents and fanatics, the usual manpower for 'false flag' attacks and various acts of provocation against India and China.

Since the United States can no longer afford to fund their weapons upgrading programs or even to ensure the balance of their troops in Afghanistan, they are forced to focus increasingly on 'low intensity warfare' at the expense of conventional, in turn to play the card of asymmetric strategy and tactics, much less demanding in resources, especially when one places the burden and cost of the operations on the shoulders of those officially designated as the enemy. This is indeed the ultimate concept of 'false flag': officially declare your enemy that has been built, however, out of your own forces or created from scratch by yourself, arming and feeding him while holding him on the leash like a dog which is allowed to bark and bite, neither to kill nor to run away with a mouthful of meat.

Thus we just witnessed in Libya how tons of explosives, hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles have been entrusted by NATO to the Taliban, actually the creation of a Taliban army at the intersection of the axes of Eurasia and Eurafrica, the Strait of Gibraltar being the gateway to the projection of the device to the Caribbean. US propaganda is even talking of 10,000 anti-aircraft missiles: an exaggeration which we assess as intended to increase the psychological pressure on countries 'threatened by terrorism', to make them accept, as so often in the past, the protection of NATO against an enemy yet created by NATO.

Thus we are now about to witness the attempt by the US either to destroy or rather capture Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. The CBDAE has already reported this project, the conception of which is running between Washington and Langley, the materialization of which would be a surprise attack – we suspect the Abbottabad operation was also a maneuver designed to test the responsiveness of Pakistan - intended to destroy or, more likely, to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal under the pretext of excluding it from the scope of the Taliban, in fact, specifically, to put it, such as explosives and missiles in Libya, in the hands of Taliban.  Thus the Taliban would become an army fully equipped with both conventional and nuclear means, as well as fully suitable for an asymmetric war of terrorist destabilization; an army that would be both able to replace on the field and at much lower costs the debilitated US Forces, while justifying the US invasion of any country, under the pretext of fighting 'terrorism'.

This strategy has now spread over the Indian Ocean and over the shipping lanes, including those used by oil tankers, as demonstrated by the recent attack on a Japanese oil tanker (see details in our newsletter) by pirates armed with missiles. Presumably with missiles of Libyan origin and from Taliban delivery.  It is therefore expected that the CIA develops a strategy of racketeering oil countries 'rebels to the US Empire' through a missile-armed piracy.  Finally, thanks to NATO, the Taliban will have their own navy!



Paris prepares for the opening, on November 7, of the trial of Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, publically known as Carlos, an emblematic figure of 'international terrorism'.

The CBDAE will transmit daily information provided by Me VIGUIER, his lawyer. 

From him came the information that, since October 18, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez was placed in isolation, as a 'punishment' for an interview he gave the newspaper Libération and for comments on Palestine issued by his lawyer. He began a hunger strike.

During a recent transfer, he suffered physical abuse. While handcuffed, a guard hit him, punching his head against the wall while shouting "Obama! Obama!”... as if still necessary to identify the puppet and the power who impose their will on their vassal in Paris. On his arrival at the hearing, the marks of the injuries inflicted on Ilich Ramirez Sanchez were medically reported.

The CBDAE will also publish news releases, interviews and other documents from Me VIGUIER, so that everyone knows about the process underway in the country of Human Rights.


"And say not of those slain in the way of Allah they are dead.  Rather they are alive, but you are unconscious of this. "
Qur'an, Sura Baqarah, verse 154

May the Unique welcome our Brother Muammar el Gaddafi into His gardens and castigate his killers and their accomplices. In his will we just received, the Raïs clearly expressed the wish to be buried according to the rituals due to a Chahid (‘fallen in the way of Allah’), as if forecasting the form of his departure from this world.

This is the beginning of the ordeal of the Libyan people. It will go through the trials of foreign occupation, of the dismantling of the social system that made of this country a haven of prosperity, of an ongoing civil war and destabilization process under the terrorist dictatorship of Wahabite obscurantism, yet described as "pure Islam".  A calvary that will end as a triumphal march on the day when the Libyan People take revenge of their assassins, invaders and looters.

Our Commander Hugo Chavez is not one whose loyalty varies to the wind of success or setback. Alike his Libyan friend, he belongs to the specie of Lions, for the courage and strength he displayed when overwhelming the sickness which resulted from his restless task at the service of his People, of the ‘Patria socialista’; sharing with Muammar el Gaddafi the hatred from the Rats which Uncle Sam has been raising, to let them transmit worlwide the  ‘pitiyanqui’ pestilence.

The Bolivarian Government reports: "The crime committed on this day, October 20, 2011, on the Libyan leader Muammar el Gaddafi, is emblematic of the crimes perpetrated against the Libyan Nation by the colonial powers over the last few months, and demonstrates that that African nation has been submitted to a violent political change of regime in violation of the most basic principles of international law. The unilateral and illegal military aggression of NATO against a country that did not make any act of war, constitutes a sad precedent that may be used at the convenience of the empire against any nation in the South that gets in the way of its policy of domination. »

According to the great metaphysician and poet, also a militant against usurocratic tyranny, Ezra Pound:  When a man is not ready to die for the cause he defends, it means, this cause is worth nothing, or he is worth nothing.  Our cause is that of human freedom and dignity.  If we then admit the undisputed value of our cause, we only get to set our own.

That's why the words are more valid than ever:

Socialist Fatherland or Death!
With our Commander Hugo CHAVEZ, we shall live to achieve

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