domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011



There are usually three reasons for the murder of a political leader:
- The sheer desire for revenge,
- Stopping him from talking,
- Decapitating and taking control of his organization.

It seems too early to give a final account of all the contradictory information circulating on the circumstances of the murder of Muammar el Gaddafi.  Only results from them the impression that his murderers had received orders to kill him on the spot, while the usurpers of power in Tripoli asked the governments of Niger and Algeria for the delivery of the members of the Rais’ family, including his wife and young children, while NATO special forces and aircraft sought to kill his son Seif el-Islam.

We do not exclude pure sadism of this bloodthirsty bunch of bandits.  Already in the early days of the civil war, had Human Rights Watch denounced the mistreatment of civilians by the men of the CNT. Since then, accumulated accounts of their cruelty to prisoners, to blacks, to Libyan citizens suspected of "gaddafism", of atrocities committed not only in Libya but also in other countries where they operate, in Pakistan, Afghanistan, in the Xinjiang for example.

However, it appears that orders were given, to exterminate the family of the Rais, obviously to prevent them from revealing secrets, as expected for example on past business with the government of Sarkozy (the CBDAE has a few interesting things to publish).

The third reason is linked to the CIA plan to take control of the last Loyalist troops in order to constitute a force, as expected and forecasted in the Press Release N#3, not strong enough to retake power, yet enough to continue fighting the divided forces of the CNT.  Thus would Libya sink into a civil war without end, as it is the case of Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, Saif el Islam el Gaddafi survived the attempts of NATO criminals and their auxiliaries.  The news came that American lawyers are poised to defend him by requiring the benefit of a fair trial in the International Criminal Court.  According to the Daily Mail of October 27, British SAS units with air support are looking for him as far as in the desert of the sub-saharian area.  According to some sources, he would be in Sudan, welcome and supported by the Movement ‘Justice and Equality’ opposing the government of Omar el-Bashir;  the same who betrayed and delivered Commander Ilitch Ramirez to the secret services we are ashamed to call "French".  On 26 October, in a televised speech, Omar el-Bashir acknowledged that his troops had distributed weapons and ammunition to the CNT, thus competing in felony with the King of Qatar (not to mention, of course, Obama’s European lackeys).

While there were talks about the circumstances of the death of Muammar el Gaddafi, we received a video document in which Benazir Bhutto, before falling in 2007 under the gunfire of murderers, mentioned the killing of Bin Laden, therefore previous to her own.  It confirms what we suspected all along: the liquidation of Bin Laden was not the real aim of the raid on Abbottabad.  The statements and accounts of the operation are contradictory, particularly concerning the true number of helicopters involved.  Officially there was only two of them and one was shot down or destroyed for an obscure reason, and left behind on the site.  Actually, it seems there was a much larger number of ‘choppers’, if we pay attention to the words of John Brennan, an associate of president Barack Obama, to his concern that 'all helicopters should have left Pakistani territory before the Pakistanis realize what happened." There are also reports of one soldier deserting  during the operation, of a Pakistani family killed, of a ferocious exchange of gunfire... check that in the next issue of the bulletin of the CBDAE.

We expect the CIA to try the same scenario with the last Gaddafist troops.  We spoke of the integration of the Taliban into the Libyan, NATO supported "rebel troops", an operation implying the previous liquidation of the myth of Bin Laden by announcing his murder, either actual or fictional.  However, we suspect that the raid of Abbottabad could be merely a maneuver to test the responsiveness of Pakistanis armed forces in anticipation of a larger operation, as we have mentioned in the foregoing statement; an operation that would be directed to the Pakistani nuclear arsenal.

Indeed, the situation is worsening very rapidly between Pakistan and the U.S.A..  Hilary Clinton's visit to Pakistan was the occasion of anti-Yankee demonstrations across the country. In recent days, the sympathetic Pakistani cricket champion Imran Khan, founded his own political party, the Tehrik-e-Insaf ', whose program seems to best meet the aspirations of the Pakistani people, notably its desire to break with the dominance of Washington.  Imran Khan's visit in Beijing takes place within the framework of the excellent relations between China and Pakistan.

Out of the blue came the surprise caused by the statement of Hamid KERZAI, president of Afghanistan under U.S. protection, that in case of conflict, his country would back Pakistan. For its part, Iran has reinforced its cooperation with Pakistan which therefore enjoys the active solidarity of the major regional powers.

It seems desirable that countries of ALBA, in particular the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, should be actively present in that part of the world where the decisive conflict of the century will be initiated.

The forecasted escalation in naval warfare got confirmed when the Iranian Navy rescued two tankers threatened by pirates.  Let this optimistic prevision particularly include a growing collaboration between the Iranian and Venezuelan Naval Armed Forces in their common task of protecting the delivery lanes of their oil production.

In Paris, Commander Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez has stopped his hunger strike.  His trial begins on November 7 in Paris and his lawyer, Me Damien Viguier, invites all friends of the Commander to meet in front of the tribunal, the famous "Palais de Justice", on that day at 8 am.

Ilich Ramirez Sanchez
known as Commander CARLOS
Support Committee
November 7 at 8.00 am
Meeting in front of the
Palais de Justice de Paris
(4 Bd du Palais, M ° Cité)

On November 7, 2011, starts a new show trial against Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, known as Commander CARLOS, before a  "special" Cour d Assises (without jurors). The trial will last until December 16.  It happens, that Ilich Ramírez CARLOS is already serving a sentence of life imprisonment, including ten years in solitary confinement in French prisons.  Today he is accused of acts older than a quarter of a century in which he denies responsibility.
- Who is Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, Commander CARLOS?

Ilich Ramírez is a prisoner of war.  A revolutionary, heroic fighter for the Palestinian cause, he is the man who led the kidnapping of eleven ministers of OPEC countries in 1975 in Vienna, Austria. He was an opponent of Charles Pasqua´s French special services and was kidnapped by them in Sudan in 1994.  

The son of Venezuelan Communist, commander CARLOS says: "At the head of the Fedayeen units, I led more operations of the Palestinian resistance that any one else, not to mention other operations, many that I had planned and coordinated. "

-  Which right has the French government to enrage this way against Commander CARLOS?
International Law is based on the strict prohibition to treat an enemy prisoner as a criminal.  it prohibits, in particular, to mistreat the prisoners of war, to judge and punish him. By its decision to condemn and punish Ilich Ramirez, the French government is guilty of violating the laws of war.
- Which reasons has the French government to fear Commander CARLOS, a POW imprisoned for 17 years?

 CARLOS honours Muammar Gaddafi´s heroic death in combat, at the hands of NATO mercenaries.  He recalls that the French State has committed a genocide outside its borders while violating its own laws and its own people in domestic affairs.  It has been making a full use of the media to manipulate the inner consciousness of the people. The French government fears that the judicial farce turns against its own agents and to be reminded of its ongoing aggressive military involvment abroad.

- What forms of State terrorism is the French goverment using against Commander CARLOS?

• The campaign of intimidation began when Commander CARLOS was beaten by men of the Republican Guard on  February 1st, 2011, when transferred from the house arrest of Poissy to the courthouse in Paris.
• After that, he was submited to pressure, in order to make him accept that witnesses involved in his trial would be heard at a distance, by videoconference, ostensibly to "avoid incidents."
• On October 15, he was placed in solitary confinement, that is to say, in the "dungeon", without access to his computer and files to prepare his defense.  Placed in a cold cell, he lacked basic clothing and toiletries.  The aim is obviously to weaken him psychologically.  This sort of deprivation are dishonorable for a country that claims to be the "homeland of human rights" and abiding legality.
• The scenery has already been set up, in violation of the law, by the state TV channel Arte when it rescheduled the defaming film produced by Olivier Assayas and depicting Commander CARLOS as a lawless murderer.

- How does Commander CARLOS react to the organization of this purely political trial?

Commander CARLOS went on a hunger strike on October 18 in protest against the punishment which is illegally inflicted to him.  After 10 days, he is no longer in solitary confinement.  He requires a physical, face to face confrontation with the witnesses against him.  He filed a complaint against Charles Pasqua for his abduction from Sudan in 1994.
- - - - -
We consider Commander CARLOS as a reference in the global anti-imperialist struggle.  He has been turned into an emblem of terrorism by a State who in recent months was involved in a war of terror and extortion against a sovereign country, Libya, in the direct or indirect killing of tens of thousands of people together with terrible destruction.  This should provoke a deep moral, ethical and political reflection.  The basic rights of a prisoner of war must be respected.



Comité de soutien au commandant CARLOS, 15 passage de la Main d'Or, 75011, e-mail:

Dear Readers,
A cyber attack has wiped out the newsletters of the  CENTRO BOLIVARIANO  DE  DOCUMENTACION  Y ANALISIS  ESTRATEGICOS. 

This is an opportunity to reconstitute them !
This has been done with the newsletter of July.  We are doing the same with the double issue of august and september, while preparing the October one.
Best regards,


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