Whether real or ficticious, whether the supposed brain of international terrorism really fell on that fateful day under the Naval Seals’ gunfire or, after having had a good shave and after changing his name into Monte Christo, he is just right now having a drink with his old mate G. W. Bush; Bin Laden´s assassination was perceived as a well deserved vindication as well as a liberation from the daily threat of terrorism. However, this was merely a new masterpiece of US deception and mind manipulation: quite on the opposite, the first of May 2011 opened a new era of violence and increased terrorist threat.
It is no coincidence that Bin Laden’s mediatic liquidation came at the same time as the crisis in Libya and Syria, and this for obvious reasons. A tactical: the necessity of transferring thousands of Taliban to Syria and Libya in ground support to the opposition´s rabble. A strategic: the integration of the Taliban into the US strategic deployment worldwide. A political: the decision to bring the Taliban back to power in Kabul. A triple project which could not be achieved as long as the man linked to the Twin Towers would still be their boss. The recent news of G. W. Bush´s disgrace at the hand of Human Rights Watch only tends to confirm his protégé´s physical liquidation. The other news, that Bin Laden was using a mobile phone, is a sufficient proof that the CIA could monitor every word he said and every move he made, from their Menwith Hill Base in the UK. Therefore, they perfectly knew where he was, with or without the help of Pakistan.
That the so called ´Moslem Brotherhood´ and the Taliban build the real military ground force of the anti-Kadhafi and anti-Asad, NATO supported opposition, is no secret. More interesting although less documented, is the fact that the aggression against Libya and Syria, far from being a justified popular uprising against two dictators, gives the US strategists the opportunity to destabilise the entire region, just as they have done with Central Asia from Afghanistan, with Turkey and, vainly, with Iran from Iraq. The capture in April in the desert of Niger, of a group of terrorists carrying 640 kg explosives including SEMTEX, coincides with a new wave of terrorist attacks in Algeria, with the activation of the Boko Haram terrorist sect in Nigeria. The fact that this freight of SEMTEX was going westwards, and not towards the Middle or Far-East, confirms the reactivation of the destabilisation process of the Atlantic area, whether the chain of crisis which stretches from Belfast to Abidjan or, making waves across the sea, the countries of the Caribbean Sea and Latin America.
A short glance at the geopolitical scenery indicates the intersection at the level of Morocco and the Mediterranean of two axis of destabilisation. That which runs along the Eurafrican Atlantic coast, that which starts from there and runs up to China, uniting the heartlands of Eurafrica and Eurasia, practically the Mediterranean region to Afghanistan. The Madrid and London bombings of 2004 and 2005 were clear signals to the ETA and IRA: your era ended with the new version of terrorism, that of the pseudo-islamists. A significant fact is the odyssey of two ETA members, Gorka Vidal Alvaro and Izkus Badillo. Both had failed to understand that the time of Basque and Irish terrorism had dropped from the CIA agenda. Obviously they resented this as an offence and tried at least a last-ditch struggle with planting a bomb in Spain, maybe the last one in the history of the ETA, with the message: we are still there! On that 16 April 2005, coming originally from France, they were driving two different cars on the motorway between Cuenca and Madrid, at a few miles distance, the second car carrying 536 kg explosives. Suddenly, the first car had an accident: the wounded driver Izkus Badillo called the guy behind on his mobile phone, and red went the light at Menwith Hill CIA HQ! They called the Spanish police and both men ended the day in jail.
Why is this story so heavily significant? Because it shows that no terrorist action, large or small, can be performed without the green light from the CIA. Both morons had ignored the change in Langley´s strategy and that the time of the ETA was over. Thus they had decided to make their own scenario, without telling anyone, without waiting for the approval from ‘over there´. This is however the evidence that those who run the Echelon System are able to detect and localise on the spot any of the actors of international terrorism, big or small, whether they speak Basque, Urdu, Gaelic or Swahili. So, they were able to immediately detect the voices and localise the physical presence of these two NCOs of the Gudariak but not of Bin Laden? At a time when Hilary Clinton points her pretty finger at Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani for their alleged support to terrorism, these three gentlemen´s answer should be short and simple: Your people, dear Lady, not mine, manage your Echelon System!
No doubt, there will be plenty of careers available to those ready to move to the Menwith Hill area in the UK. Plenty of bottles of Johnny Walker to get from the boys of the MI5 every time they need a quick phone taping and have to jump over the legal barriers. Plenty of times the red light blushing when things are poised to happen from Mumbay to Lagos, from Tamanrasset to Kandahar, certainly soon again from the banks of the Seine to those of the Nile, according to the caprices of general Petraeus´ new employees. The US strategy of the 60s to the 80s was ‘Send the Marines!’ Today it says: ‘Bring the terrorists in!’.
General Petraeus´ promotion to Langley while Leon Panetta is moving to the Pentagon is however less significant as Marc Grossman´s new job in Kabul and Islamabad as a re-enactor of Harry Kissinger´s famous ´bulldozing´. The assassination of Hamid Kerzai´s brother seems to indicate who will be the next on the list, especially on the day of the Taliban´s victory parade on the streets of Kabul. Will Hamid Kerzai and his bunch of morons from the afghan bourgeoisie, share the fate of Najibullah in 1996? It is indeed on the US agenda that the power in Kabul will be handled over to the Taliban with all the needed permissions and encouragements to destabilise Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India and as far as Korea and the Philippines if necessary. All this comes true as commandos of Al Qaeda just got arrested in Turkey and Iran, as Taliban keep submitting the ´frontier´ stripe between Pakistan and Afghanistan to their own rule. Marc Grossman is certainly the right man at the right place, knowing that his real interest goes much further than just walking on the footsteps of his named model, rather stretching his legs from Xinkiang to Kurdistan. As a former US ambassador in Ankara, he is very much concerned with using Turkish nostalgia of the great Ottoman Empire as a spear pointed at the heart of China, his real enemy. The same applies to Morton Abramowitz, a man of a similar profile, equally active in supporting the sect of Fethullah Gülen. One can therefore expect new troubles to come in the Chinese Xinkiang area.
Other men of a similar profile but on another front: those of the CIA and Mossad who are busy with manipulating the Kurds against Turkey. Thus, while some agents of the Mossad and CIA keep provoking the Kurds into attacking Turkey, other agents of the Mossad and CIA feed the nostalgia of Turkey´s passed imperial splendour, with the prospect of using it as fuel for setting on fire the Moslem provinces of China.
China´s military reforms, in particular the development of the People’s Liberation Army’s Second Artillery Force, of the Navy´s submarines, aircraft carriers and amphibious forces, offer an optimistic perspective to the people of the World who resent the
Unipolar, global tyranny of the US Empire. The guarantee by the Chinese of the integrity of Pakistan´s strategic liberty and territorial integrity constitutes the diplomatic and geopolitical counterpart to the military reforms and achievements planned in Beijing. This should be an open message to the diplomacy makers in India: you have nothing to win by playing the role of the Lackeys of the US and Zionist strategy in Asia. The problems with Pakistan should be solved on a peaceful and friendly way, without allowing the common enemy of all peoples of Asia, of all peoples in the World, to apply the famous principle: Divide to reign... even if, like in Mumbay, agents of destabilisation do their dirty job.
Meanwhile, the people of Syria and Libya have shown the World their loyalty to their governments. Our comrade Rafael Malpica, a faithful militant of the PSUV (United Socialist Party of Venezuela), said on a radio broadcasting on the World Day of the Child, that the bombings and planned children killings by the USAF and its local, NATO Lackeys, that the neo-colonialist policy of France in Africa, were making of that very day a Day of Infamy. Only a few days before, the death of six French soldiers in Afghanistan made of the French Bastille Day another Day of Infamy. French general Desportes was criticized by the hierarchy for expressing what every French soldier and officer, what every French citizen thinks and feels in the deepest of his heart: no drop of French blood for the Yanks!
Nicolas Sarkozy´s fanaticism in serving US and Zionist interests in Libya finds an explanation in the fact that only a couple of months ago, the French president betrayed the interests he is truly supposed to serve, those of Israel and the USA, when supporting his friend Ouattara against Laurent Gbagbo, the favourite of Israel, in the conflict ravaging the Republic of the Ivory Coast. By doing so, he served his own financial interests, those of his friends of the Parisian bourgeoisie against those of the Mafia. Kennedy was shot dead for the same error, for having betrayed the trust of Mayer-Lansky and general Lemnitzer when stopping the Northwood ´false flag operation’ against Cuba.
This takes us back to the Caribbean and to the northern coast of Latin America. The two axis of US destabilisation we have mentioned have as an effect the isolation of this part of the World from its natural allies in Eurafrica and Eurasia. There is only little doubt, that the US strategists will not wait very long, should countries in Africa and Asia be facing their own destabilisation problems, before aggressing Cuba, Venezuela and the countries of Latin America who refuse to be sent back to their passed status of Banana Republics.
The killing in Benghazi of the boss of the French company SECOPEX, the strong presence of foreigners, especially Latinos, amongst the US Forces, recalls of the question of the mercenaries, tightly linked to the ‘false flag’ concept so much in fashion in Langley. It is reasonable to think that the Colombians who are a majority within the Battalion Blackwater are parts of projects which do not exclude the ‘Patria Socialista’ de Hugo Chavez.
There is only one way to deter the aggression: show the aggressor that we are ready to fight until the last pulse of heart, that our people will prefer to die in combat than to bow to the yoke of yankee slavery. Yes, we have seen what the Yanks and their Lackeys are up to, in Libya, in Iraq, in Afghanistan... We have been warned. We will not have the excuse of being caught by surprise. Let us develop, train and arm our Bolivarian Militia and make of it a real popular, total resistance army, ready to fight in the forest and in the mountain, to develop a city guerrilla as well as for making of any field a cemetery for the aggressor. Let the Gringos keep in mind: Venezuela starts with a ´V´... like Vietnam!
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