The question of Turkish support to Xinkiang separatism also has a supranational dimension, extending to all Central Asia. According to our analysis, the problems of Chechnya and Kashmir gave the Taliban the opportunity to operate outside the Afghan conflict. Yet the supranational dimension of Turkish support to Xinkiang separatism results from the fact that the borders of today’s Turkey do not include all the populations of Turkish blood and culture which spread all over Central Asia, as far as within Chinese territory, as far as Xinkiang.
This operation of destabilization has an instrument: Hodyaefendi (Maestro Sufi) Fethullah GÜLEN’s Fethullahist Sect. GÜLEN was a mosque preacher on the path of Sayed Nursi, and this until 1998, when he established himself in Pennsylvania. From his large estate, with a hundred of disciples as guests, he manages his empire which stretches over all Turkish speaking Asia and includes a network of schools and universities, of written press and radio and television broadcasting, supported by a financial reserve of 25 billion USD. Officially, the sect claims to have roots in the tradition of the Turkish Sufi Orders, in the heritage of famous Turkish Masters of the past, such as Jalal ad-Din Rumi and Yunus Emre, as well as in the teaching of Sayed Nursi whose disciples have stretched all over the World; offering the image of tolerance and high intellectualism which are proper to Sufism. In reality, the Fethullahists constitute a very powerful lobby within Turkish politics, more precisely the occult backbone of the Party for Justice and Development (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) which has now been ruling for eight years, its schools acting as formation centers of political, administrative and military leaders.
How did a modest preacher achieved to become the manager of such a colossal empire of both public and occult features?
Precisely the occult feature provides with the explanation. The ideology of both AKP and Fethullahists identifies with National-islamism and its implications in World politics: the opposition to Zionism and its US protector, the resulting sympathy to Palestinian revolutionary movements, to Iran and to world powers who, for the least, provide a balance to US hegemony: the ALBA, Russia and China.
Therefore, the presence of GÜLEN in the USA and that in his own spheres of men such as Marc Grossman and Morton Abramowitz, former US ambassadors in Ankara. Is hard to understand. Another important character in the game is Graham Fuller, a former CIA vice-chairman. A book of him about Xinkiang was published in 1998, revised in 2003 by the Rand Corporation.
Abramowitz and Fuller set up in September 2004 in Washington an «exile government of Turkestan », officially with Enver Yusuf Turani, a friend of Gülen, as a chairman. Which could be the interests of Grossman, Abramowitz and Fuller in promoting in Central Asia a project of rebirth of the Great Islamic Ottoman Empire? None, except the creation of a new element in the chain de destabilization which includes Kashmir, Chechnya, Afghanistán, Iraq, as well as Syria and North Africa where this chain merges with another one: that of the Atlantic seafront which stretches from Northern Ireland down to West Africa.
Yet in this case, the target is China – the great power in which all freedom loving nations recognize a source of hope, security and admiration – with the fallacious pretext that Chinese Muslims would be suffering discrimination and attempts of deculturation; according to US-based Rabiya Kadear, the chairwoman of the World Wigur Congress, and Mehmet Emin Batur, director of the ETIC (Information Centre of Eastern Turkestan).
The aim of the whole project is therefore the collapse of the great eurasian project which, without being a direct threat to US interests, however constitutes a defense of the free world against its imperialism and its sub-product, Zionism; a project which articulates on its both essential components: Islam in its Turkish and Iranian manifestations, China whose Muslim populations should play a role of a factor of union, not of discord.
In Ankara as in Kabul and in many other places, we witness a rather strange phenomenon: that of people of the CIA and Mossad promoted leaders of the Islamic Revolution! Yet, we cannot believe that many Muslims will fall into such an obvious trap! Enough of them however for feeding the USZ-Zionist plot which, for the time being, affects Turkey before China, considering that the government in Ankara is since 1991 the target of the blackmail attempt of destabilization by the Kurds. An interesting detail which links both theatres, is the fact that in February 2008 some Fethullahists – one of them, a police officer, was in charge of the department of communications taping, according to the newspapers Vatan and Hürriyet (2/6/2008) – achieved to tape and put on the internet a conversation by general Münir Erten in which, besides details concerning general Ergin Sagan’s health, he mentioned the planning of a military operation by Turkish forces inside Iraqi Kurdistan.
Yet in this middle of may 2011, the situation in Kurdistan is worsening as a result of a call to violence by Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the PKK, from his prison cell on the 29 of April. Despite the call to peace and patriotic union by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, chief of State, huge demonstrations swept through the country, sometimes violent like in Diyarbakir on the 15th of may. On that same day, Turkish forces ambushed and killed a dozen of members of the PKK who had been crossing the border from Iraq.
Therefore, an increase of violence seems to be on the agenda, resulting in an increase of pressure on Ankara by the Kurds and Barzani’s US-Israeli friends, in order to blackmail the Turkish government into accepting the plan designed by Gülen’s US-Israeli friends, of destabilization of China.
Let us take as positive the facts that commercial exchanges between Turkey and China will triplate until 2015, that Dr. Hiddayet Nurani Ekrem, an influent member of Türksam, the Centre of Strategic Analysis (Stratejik Analizler Merkezi) directed by Sinan OĞAN and near the Armed Forces, joins our consideration of Turkestan being a bridge of peace and friendship between both countries. We hope that enough Turkish historians will remember that they were not Chinese, those who in 1917 signed the Balfour Agreement, plotting the crumbling of the Ottoman Empire and the rape and murder of Palestine; but the ancestors of the so-called Grossman, Abramowitz, Yatom, Kraham, etc.. At the same time however, Germans and French were mass killing each other in a fratricide war for the possession of provinces which the later called ‘Alsace-Lorraine’, the first ‘Elsass-Lothringen’, and this while US president Wilson was already planning WWII and the final eradication and submission, the common defeat of all Europeans. Considering this example, one can forecast that if Turkish patriots and Muslims get led by the nose by their US-Zionist ill-advisors into such hostilities with China, this will not bring ‘Great Turkey’s rebirth’ but the sinking of all Eurasia in a hurricane of blood and flames, while the US-Empire and its Zionist sub-product will have free hands to submit the entire World into the most cruel and implacable tyranny in History.
(*) The air-bridge which allowed the transfer of thousands of Taliban from Iraq to Syria and Libya has a historical precedent: the evacuation of 8.000 Taliban from the afghan city of Kunduz in November 2001 – just two months after the famous ‘9.11’ – by the CIA with the help of the Pakistani Air Force. Various high rank officers of the ‘US Forces’ vainly protested, thus showing their ingenuity and poor understanding of the double strategy led from Washington and Langley, the first victims of which are the ‘Boys n’ Gals’ in US uniforms, betrayed by their own administration, CIA and the rest!
Feb. 15. 2011 / Hillary Rodham Clinton sent Marc Grossman as a special envoy of the US government to Islamabad and Kabul, in replacement of defunct Richard C. Holbrooke.
End of march 2011 / Visit to Islamabad of Prince Bandar from Saudi Arabia, in order to sign a pact of mutual security, as a consequence of the deteriorating relationship between the Kingdom and the USA.
April 12. 2011 / Security forces intercept in the desert of the Republic of Niger a group of people carrying 640 kg. explosives, including Semtex, and 435 detonators, the whole freight coming Libyan military dumps which had been taken by the ‘protégés’ of NATO.
April 29.2011 / Fromjail, Abdullah Öcalan, chief of the PKK, called to insurrection. Despite chief of State Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s call to peace and patriotic union, thousands of people gathered in demonstrations in various cities in Turkey, turning to be violent on May 15th at Diyarbakir. On the same day, Turkish forces killed in ambush a dozen of members of the PKK who had crossed the border with Iraq.
May 14. 2011 / The National Assembly of Pakistan demands the end of the firing of missiles by US forces in the ‘frontier’ region, threatening to close the Khyber-pass which is crossed by 65% of the logistics of NATO into Afghanistan.
May 19. 2011 / The Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jiang Yu, expressed in a press conference the determination of his country to secure ‘the sovereignty and integrity of the territory of Pakistan’.
May 20. 2011 / At the Russian harbor of Novorossirsk, security forces arrested a group of Israelis and Russians living in the Republic of Equator, amongst the latter a wanted terrorist from Chechnya. The group was in possession of 30 kg cocaine, of weapons and sophisticated electronic and communication equipment as produced by Israel and used by Mossad.
June 2nd.2011 / In Jerusalem, Bernard-Henri Lévy gave Benyamin Netanyahu a message from the HQ of the Libyan rebels, stating that the ‘new’ libyan government would maintain « normal des relationship with Israel ». A Ukrainian intelligence officer handled the Libyan government the copy of a letter stating that the ‘new’ Libyan government would allow the building of an Israeli military base in the Djebel Akhdar, in order to threaten Algeria. The Russian Intelligence Services recently published a letter to president Sarkozy from the CNT (Committee of Libyan Rebels), promising 35% of the Libyan oil production in exchange of French military support.
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