In our recent report and analysis of the events that are shaking Syria and Libya, we emphasized various essential elements:
- on the military side, the opposition groups supported by Washington are getting strengthened with Taliban forces (*) – a detail which could explain the mediatic assassination of Bin Laden (it matters only little whether he is presently on a shore of Miami with his old friend George Bush or already dead for years, what really does, is that his presence does not jeopardize the total and official integration of the Taliban into the US strategic system), the Mediterranean getting changed into Washington’s ‘Mare nostrum’ under control by the men of Bin Laden;
- the US strategic system aims at the stealing of the oil reserves of Libya, Iraq, Algeria, etc… as well as the securing those of water for Israel’s benefit, most of all at the encirclement and isolation of both Iran y China while threatening Russia;
- the isolation of Latin America and the Caribbean area, especially Venezuela and Cuba, from their allies in Eurasia, in order to steal their natural resources and to submit their peoples back into their former statute of ‘Banana Republics’;
- This Project is none of a ‘Pax Americana’ which could be attractive to cowards: let us live in indignity if this Price for peace! – But of a general destabilization of the kind Iraqis and Afghans are experiencing restless for some twenty years.
We concluded with emphasizing the necessity of shaping the Eurasian entity based on it four essential components: Iran, Russia, China and Turkey. The changes which affect the later however remain problematic. Last year’s aggression against the ‘Liberty Fleet’ and the murder of Turkish peace militants by the Israeli Navy gave the government in Ankara the opportunity to satisfy the popular desire of severing the links with the Zionist State, therefore turning closer to the countries opposing resistance to the US world domination. Turkey and USA already experienced frictions, especially when in 2003 Turkish troops entered Iraqi Kurdistan, too shortly we then lamented! This was yet as a consequence of the twelve years of destabilization by Kurds who had been promised by CIA and Mossad, in 1991, full independence and reunification of the Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian and Turkish parts of Kurdistan.
Mere Yankee lie, then unexpectedly Saddam Hussein went on ruling Iraq until 2003, for twelve years taking revenge on Iraqi Kurds and Shiias. Meanwhile, the Kurdish uprising was kept insufficient or limited in order not to achieve its goals against Iraq, however able to destabilize Turkey. Therefore, Turkey and for instance Great Britain found themselves in the same situation: be ‘pillars of NATO’ while getting destabilized on their own territory by separatist terrorist groups supported by Washington: the IRA and the Kurds. Since British military operations in Ulster mainly consist in urban peace-keeping, those of Turkey in Kurdistan take place in the open country, on large operational theatres, with the use of heavy equipment such as tanks, helicopters, aircraft, artillery, etc… in support of the deployment of the infantry. It is therefore an expensive war which affects national economy while destabilizing the country.
Simultaneously, the other great power in Asia, China, suffers from a similar process of separatist destabilization inside her provinces of Tibet and Xinkiang, besides her problem with Taiwan. It is publicly known that Taiwan is nothing but a US protectorate, that the Dalai Lama receives US support and benefits of a world mediatic campaign. The problem of Xinkiang is a part of the destabilization process of Central Asia, extended to North Africa and Europe as it has been shown with the terrorist mass murders in Madrid, Paris, London and Moscow,, today with the attacks to Syria, with the use of the Taliban.
We could therefore establish a comparison between Turkey and China, in as much as both countries suffer a same phenomenon; however on different ways, considering that China managed to reestablish peace on her territory, even if in a mere provisory manner, well keeping in mind that those who manipulate the separatists will not give up so easily; whereas it is obviously not the case of Turkey. Another, at least formal difference, is that the separatism which affects China has been engendered by a world power which, at least, presents herself as competitive, while in Turkey’s case, as well as in Great-Britain’s and Spain’s, the source of separatist terrorist threat is a NATO ally.
Another essential difference: while China is totally foreign to Kurdish separatism, at least a consistent portion of Turkey’s public and governmental opinion is supporting the separatism in Xinkiang, with the pretext that the inhabitants of that Muslim province of China are Turks by blood and culture. As a matter of fact, the formulation of that Turkish demand on Xinkiang is rather recent for resulting from the process of destabilization started by the Taliban.
As a matter of fact, there is another common element which links both attempts of destabilization, an element which deserves to be underlined in proportion to the will to keep it hidden: the active presence of Israel. Iraqi Kurdistan, which is the source of the process of destabilization of the entire region, enjoys autonomy under the presidency of Masood Barzani. With Israel’s support, he shows himself as the chief of independent State. Thus, in May 2010, Barzani addressed the government of Iraq in order to negotiate the incomes of the Kurd Oilfields. In the Kurd capital city, Erbil, the Iraqi national flag has been banned while several western countries have inaugurated a consulate there.
In matters of Defense, Masood Barzani, who already dispose of his own ‘special services‘, is presently busy on the project of a « regional » Kurd Army. The word « regional » means that this army should be able to recrut and operate in all areas with a Kurdish population, not only in Iraq but in Turkey, Iran and Syria as well. Therefore, an instrument of « regional destabilization ». That is why Masood Barzani had to submit his project to general Dany Yatom, retired director of the Mossad, at the first place; then in January 2010 to Barack Obama; leaving the task of achieving the fusion of the peshmergas militias to the Israeli private company Camerone Military Services, according to the confidential newspaper Intelligence on line.
Support to Israel by the Barzani tribe is an historical fact which goes back to the late 1930s, when Ruben Shilia, working for the Jewish Agency, visited Kurdistan and was their guest. Some Jewish members of the tribe had already emigrated to Palestine. Shilia belonged, alike David Ben Gurion, to the fathers of the Zionist State as well as of the « peripherical allies theory » which Oded Yinon reinvented in 1982 in the magazine of the World Zionist Organization, which advocates the partition of Arab countries into ethnic and religious groups. After the fall of the anglophile monarchy in 1958, the Mossad took over the role of the KGB which had ordered Mustafa Barzani lay down the arms and desactivate the Kurd brigade which had been formed in Tachkent. The Mossad consolidated its presence during the Aref Brothers’ presidency of Iraq, from 1963 to 1968.
In this period, a local agent of the Mossad named Eliezer Tsafrir was in charge of the formation of the Peshmerga Milicias as well as of Masood Barzani’s PDK’s secret services, the Parastin. Mustafa Barzani went to Tel-Aviv in 1968 and 1973, meeting Golda Meir and Moshe Dayan. In 1980, Menahem Begin admitted that Israel was supplying the Kurd rebels with weapons and therefore supporting the creation of the Kurdish State.
After the occupation of Iraq in 2003, dozens of Mossad agents entered Kurdistan disguised as all sorts of technical experts. The operation was led by Dany Yatom and Shlomi Michaels and its size was revealed in 2004 by the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot. Shlomi Michaels had associated with members of the Barzani tribe within the Kudo Company which was in charge of the building of the Erbil Airport and of the instruction of commandos. This information were then denied by Prime Minister Iyad Allaoui, however confirmed in 2006 by BBC2, in a report showing the Mossad agents at work.
Jalal Talabani’s father-in-law, Ibrahim Ahmed, who lived in London under MI6 protection, assured the connection with Israel. It is well documented that Jalal Talabani had a meeting in 1978 with Shimon Peres in the Israeli Embassy in Paris; later in 2008 with Ehud Barak in Greece at a congress of the Socialist International. (Laurent Gbagbo had been induced to the Zionist Alliance in the same circumstances – see our article on the Ivory Coast in the Venezuelan Weekly ‘Kikiriki’ N° 346).
Binyirfan Barzani, one of Masood’s five sons, and Qutab Talabani are presently in charge of the relationship between Kurdistan and Israel; the former in the name of the PDK, the later of the UPK. Furthermore, Qutab Talabani has been the delegate of the Regional Kurdish Government in the USA where he married Sherri Kraham, the daughter of a member of the AIPEC, the Israeli lobby.
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